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Flowgear Sync

Application & Data Integration Conference - If you couldn’t catch the sessions live, don’t worry! You can watch the recordings at your convenience

Developer Tools

…how Flowgear works with APIs. Flowgear’s library of connectors covers most integrations requirements. Just drop a connector on to the design canvas and start. Import data Import data from spreadsheets…

What’s so important about software integration?

There is a constant stream of articles in the technical media about software integration – general application integration, integration of cloud apps, ERP integration, or a combination of them. Why…

Securing TLS Endpoints

…your Operating system, the server itself (Apache, HAPproxy, IIS, Nginx) and your SSL/TLS implementation (OpenSSL, SChannel). Regular updates are important but one should also keep an eye on the media…

Tips on starting a new API project

…that allows software programs to interact with each other. APIs define the rules and data structures that should be defined so that applications can communicate. The importance of APIs No…

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Do you need to integrate with your internal, suppliers or customer systems?

We are thrilled to extend our deepest gratitude to all who contributed to the monumental success of Flowgear Sync 2024, pioneering integration and automation conference.

It was an absolute pleasure meeting face-to-face with our incredible customers and partners to discuss how businesses around the world are harnessing the power of platform-based integration to create efficient processes.

If you couldn’t catch the sessions live, don’t worry! You can watch the recordings at your convenience.