We finished rolling out a set of features last week. Here’s the one minute summary:
- Prevent sensitive data from being logged with Property-level Redaction. You can read about Redaction and how it relates to our Low Logging feature
- Promote multiple Workflowsfrom the Workflows Pane screen if you have Release Management enabled
- You can now use Custom Properties on any Node to string-template content. No more Formatter Node
- Easily pull the fields you want out of a document directly via Flow Connector. No more XML Match or JSON Match Node
- Manage your Site Environments directlyfrom the Site Settings Pane
- Visually select paths in a document without having to roll your own XPath expressions. See this in action on the Splitter and Reducer
- Bonus Feature: try zooming out a Workflow with your scroll wheel to get a less detailed view. Great for getting your bearings in a Workflow you haven’t accessed in a while
If you’re interested in more detail about the Custom Property and Data Flow Connector changes, read our blog on Concise Workflow Design